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RENEWABLE FUEL LAW  (2020 09 18)

Biodujos jau senokai surado savo vietą Lietuvoje, tačiau šios perspektyvios atsinaujinančios energijos gamybos plėtra yra lėta ir išgyveną evoliucijos poreikį. Žemės ūkyje veikiančiose biodujų jėgainėse yra problema racionaliai panaudoti biodujas, nes jų tradicinė paskirtis - elektros ir šilumos gamyba yra nepakankamai efektyvi. Atsiradus galimybei gaminti biometaną ir panaudoti jį transporto priemonėse pakeičiant dyzeliną ir kitus iškastinio kuro produktus, formuojasi nauja ir aktuali aplinkosaugine prasme galimybė efektyviau panaudoti biodujas.

Kartu su grupe mokslo organizacijų, žemės ūkio ir  verslo įmonių parengėme projektą  kuriuo sieksime mokslinių tyrimų ir eksperimentų pagrindu įdiegti ir demonstruoti biodujų jėgainėse inovatyvią žemės ūkio žaliavų (tame tarpe privalomų sutvarkyti atliekų ir mėšlo) tvarią, draugišką aplinkai, ekonomiškai efektyvią biometano technologiją, skirtą žemės ūkio veiklos konkurencingumui didinti ir jos priklausomybės nuo išorinių energijos šaltinių mažinimui.

After its submission, the Seimas approved the draft Law on Alternative Fuels (ADJ). This law will create opportunities until 2030. significantly increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the transport sector to 15%; and thus significantly reduce the negative impact on the climate and promote the use of local biofuels.

The transport sector is one of the largest energy consumers in Lithuania. At present, the share of RES in the final consumption of the transport sector is only 4.3%, advanced biofuels are not used and the infrastructure of alternative fuels is underdeveloped. The measures provided for in the law will ensure the transformation of the Lithuanian transport sector into a low-carbon economy and will allow maintaining the competitiveness of this sector in the long run.

"The law provides for the following main directions - to promote the use of clean vehicles, local production of biomethane and other advanced biofuels and to increase electrification of the transport sector. This transformation in the transport sector is inevitable and now is the best time to start these changes. At the moment, there are especially favorable opportunities to use EU financial instruments for this purpose, which can be allocated to implement the goals of the European Union's Green Course, ”says Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas.

The ADI project sets out clear directions for the development of alternative fuel vehicles and the infrastructure they require. Much attention is paid to the promotion of electric mobility. It is planned to provide financial support until the tenth car in Lithuania is powered by electricity. Particular attention is being paid to the freight transport sector, with a view to expanding the network of natural gas filling stations and promoting the purchase of gas-powered vehicles, while ensuring the use of RES fuel.

Much attention is paid to the development of local biomethane production capacities, thus creating conditions for the emergence of new businesses and jobs in the regions. Consumption of biomethane and green hydrogen is projected to increase by 2030. will be at least 5%. final energy consumption in the transport sector.

The ADI project introduces gradually increasing obligations for fuel suppliers regarding the use of biofuels, which will be implemented flexibly throughout the year. In order to encourage the use of biomethane and other advanced biofuels and hydrogen, their blending will be set at twice the value.

It is estimated that from 2026 all cars and buses procured through public procurement will have to be clean, and by 2029 all public road passenger transport, including taxi and shuttle services, is adapted to use alternative fuels. The introduction of low-emission zones in cities will encourage the switch to clean vehicles, thus improving air quality in cities.

For the implementation of the proposed changes in 2021-2030. up to € 1.8 billion will be needed over the period. investment. As all the provisions of the ODA are aimed at achieving the objectives of the EU Green Course, it is planned to raise most of the funds from the European Economic Recovery and Resilience Fund, as well as the EU Structural Funds. Pilot measures are already being funded through the Climate Change Program. The law also establishes a Sustainable Mobility Fund to implement an alternative fuels policy, which will be managed by the Ministry of Transport.

With the approval of the Seimas, this law will enter into force in 2021. July 1

Alternatyvių degalų įstatymas (2020 Rugsėjis)

After its submission, the Seimas approved the draft Law on Alternative Fuels (ADJ). This law will create opportunities until 2030. significantly increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the transport sector to 15%; and thus significantly reduce the negative impact on the climate and promote the use of local biofuels.

The transport sector is one of the largest energy consumers in Lithuania. At present, the share of RES in the final consumption of the transport sector is only 4.3%, advanced biofuels are not used and the infrastructure of alternative fuels is underdeveloped. The measures provided for in the law will ensure the transformation of the Lithuanian transport sector into a low-carbon economy and will allow maintaining the competitiveness of this sector in the long run.

"The law provides for the following main directions - to promote the use of clean vehicles, local production of biomethane and other advanced biofuels and to increase electrification of the transport sector. This transformation in the transport sector is inevitable and now is the best time to start these changes. At the moment, there are especially favorable opportunities to use EU financial instruments for this purpose, which can be allocated to implement the goals of the European Union's Green Course, ”says Minister of Energy Žygimantas Vaičiūnas.

The ADI project sets out clear directions for the development of alternative fuel vehicles and the infrastructure they require. Much attention is paid to the promotion of electric mobility. It is planned to provide financial support until the tenth car in Lithuania is powered by electricity. Particular attention is being paid to the freight transport sector, with a view to expanding the network of natural gas filling stations and promoting the purchase of gas-powered vehicles, while ensuring the use of RES fuel.

Much attention is paid to the development of local biomethane production capacities, thus creating conditions for the emergence of new businesses and jobs in the regions. Consumption of biomethane and green hydrogen is projected to increase by 2030. will be at least 5%. final energy consumption in the transport sector.

The ADI project introduces gradually increasing obligations for fuel suppliers regarding the use of biofuels, which will be implemented flexibly throughout the year. In order to encourage the use of biomethane and other advanced biofuels and hydrogen, their blending will be set at twice the value.

It is estimated that from 2026 all cars and buses procured through public procurement will have to be clean, and by 2029 all public road passenger transport, including taxi and shuttle services, is adapted to use alternative fuels. The introduction of low-emission zones in cities will encourage the switch to clean vehicles, thus improving air quality in cities.

For the implementation of the proposed changes in 2021-2030. up to € 1.8 billion will be needed over the period. investment. As all the provisions of the ODA are aimed at achieving the objectives of the EU Green Course, it is planned to raise most of the funds from the European Economic Recovery and Resilience Fund, as well as the EU Structural Funds. Pilot measures are already being funded through the Climate Change Program. The law also establishes a Sustainable Mobility Fund to implement an alternative fuels policy, which will be managed by the Ministry of Transport.

With the approval of the Seimas, this law will enter into force in 2021. July 1

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